Need to change your home address? Whether you’re moving or correcting a typo, here’s what to do:
If you are moving:
If you are moving, you can move your Goodcover policy from your old address to your new address through your Member Dashboard at Log in using the email address associated with your Goodcover account.
This will:
Initiate a new policy for your new address, to be effective either for now (if you have already moved) or for a date in the future.
Initiate the cancellation of the policy for your old address, which will be effective on the day your new policy starts up for your new address as Renters policies are non-transferable.
If you find a typo in your address:
If you find a typo in your home address, you may request a correction through your Member Dashboard at Log in using the email address associated with your Goodcover account. Your request will be sent to us for review and in most situations, typos can usually be corrected without having to reissue the policy within 1-2 business days.