All Goodcover Renters policy payments are configured for automatic payments. You can access details about your next bill due date and view past statements on your Member Dashboard at

Our payment cycle runs every night, so if your bill is due or you have an outstanding payment, the system will attempt to complete the payment overnight.  This means that if your payment is overdue and you'd like to pay, you can wait for billing to run overnight and it will automatically try to complete your payment.  Successful payments are automatically registered by the system, even though it can take 1 to 2 days for the bank to move money out of your account.

All policies have a 30 day grace period for late payments. As long as payment is received by the date listed in the late pay email, your policy won't cancel. Please note that even though you have contacted us, our system automatically sends out daily late pay emails once payment is not received. You will continue to receive the emails until payment has been received or the policy cancels for non-payment.

If you still would like us to process a payment outside the scheduled overnight billing process, we can do that for you!  Please contact us and we'll be happy to help.